Sunday, February 1, 2015


I hate the word whatever.

How am I supposed to write a blog on whatever I want if all I can think about is how much the word whatever bugs me?

If you are having a conversation with someone and they say whatever it's basically saying that they don't like you or the conversation,

"Hey where do you want to go out to eat?"

"What do you think about this?"

"What should I write a blog post on?"
(I don't care about your life, or what you think, or why you are in my class. All I care about is you writing something to unleash your creative potential and so I can put something in the gradebook) "Whatever"

It's even more annoying if you say it in a British accent "Wot evah"

It's basically a terrible word.

I guess you can blame it on this blog if Nelson changes it so we can write on real topics.

Every time someone asks you a question just answer "whatever "and get back to me on how fast it takes for everyone to hate you.



  1. This is real. And i love that you said this.

  2. couldnt have said this better myself. love it.

  3. I took offense to this. I think whatever is freedom.

    1. I agree with Nelson. Try to be open to the inspiration. That's what he means by whatever I think. The blog post should be about what you want them to be about. Those are always the best blog posts.

    2. I think there is more to the definition... For me. Whatever is easy going, chill, free. It's not making a big deal out of something. It's taking a step back to analyze. It's a good kind of careless ...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.
